I was diagnosed with placenta accreta on my third pregnancy at week 33 gestation during a detailed scan at NMH. I was 31 years old at this time. My symptoms of PA were silent. I had no bleeding.
Once it was determined I had PA – it was explained to my husband and I that I would require caesarean-hysterectomy and possibly 3.5cm of my bladder resected. An MRI was also scheduled for a later date to reaffirm the diagnosis.
I was admitted to NMH on week 34 where I was monitored extensively until the delivery of my baby at week 36. This was an extremely hard time for me as I prepared to leave my two sons and husband for my stay at hospital.
Éabha Faye was delivered at 1132am on the 18th June 2019. My surgery continued for a further two and a half hours thereafter to remove my uterus, cervix & fallopian tubes. Fortunately, I did not require a blood transfusion. The surgery for placenta accreta is quite extensive and I was required to stay in HDU for 24 hours with a spinal block for my pain relief. This is not a straightforward C-Section, this was major abdominal surgery that left me with a vertical scar of approx. 12cm. This scar now reminds me of the team that saved my life!
I was then moved to postnatal care – however Éabha Faye would stay in NICU for two days as she was born under full general anaesthetic. It wasn’t until two days after my surgery that I would meet my daughter. Two of the midwives brought Éabha Faye to my room so that I could meet her – as you can imagine there was no skin to skin contact given the impact of the surgery – this still weighs heavy on my heart. But we were both on what would be the very start of our road to recovery and I was determined to stay strong & focused so as to get discharged from hospital ASAP.
After almost one month at hospital I left for home – albeit walking very slowly through the corridors and hugging the caring staff I had met along the way – we were almost halfway there.